Thursday, November 28, 2019

What are you going to be free essay sample

I remember career day back in my old elementary school. The teacher told us to pick our future career and to come in dressed up. There were firefighters, astronauts, and doctors as far as the eye could see. My career choice back then was to be a veterinarian, like so many of many fellow classmates. Yet as I got older, the answer to the career choice got harder and harder. My future career changed throughout middle school and through high school. Even now when asked about my future, I have no reply. Right now I am at the point when I’m supposed to have a decisive goal and objective for the rest of my life. Although countless amounts of students have made this choice before me, it is not an easy one. It is difficult to imagine myself in the future because I cannot predict what the future will hold. We will write a custom essay sample on What are you going to be? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I am only 17 years old. I have not experienced the world yet. I have lived in my â€Å"safety bubble† for 17 years, my friends and family to guide me through tough choices and issues. But this choice is not something I can ask them to do. I know about the world its problems and difficulties, but that is not the same as experiencing it for myself. I do not know what I will be in the future but, I have an idea. I want to take this idea and mold it to my surroundings. I want to face the world head on with this idea and see where it will take me. Whether the outcome is failure or success, I don’t know. If failure is my result than I will adapt my idea for another attempt. I will mold and bend to the world but not break. This tactic is not perfect but it will help define myself and find my place in the world. So the next time someone asks â€Å"What are you going to be†, my answer is simple. â€Å"Let’s just wait and see.†

Monday, November 25, 2019

American Economics.

American Economics. A Report on American Economics in English Includes Social Security.American Government-Economics.Most of the problems of the United states are relatedto the economy. One of the major issues facing the countrytoday is social security.The United States was one of the last majorindustrialized nations to establish a social securitysystem. In 1911, Wisconsin passed the first state workerscompensation law to be held constitutional. At that time,most Americans believed the government should not have tocare for the aged, disabled or needy. But such attitudeschanged during the Great Depression in the 1930's.In 1935, Congress passed the Social Security Act. Thislaw became the basis of the U.S. social insurance system.It provided cash benefits to only retired workers incommerce or industry. In 1939, Congress amended the act tobenefit and dependent children of retired workers and widowsand children of deceased workers .English: In the United States, Social Security ben...In 1950, theact began to cover many farm and domestic workers, nonprofessional self employed workers, and many state andmunicipal employees. Coverage became nearly universal in1956, when lawyers and other professional workers came underthe system.Social security is a government program that helps workers and retiredworkers and their families achieve a degree of economic security. Socialsecurity also called social insurance (Robertson p. 33), provides cashpayments to help replace income lost as a result of retirement,unemployment, disability, or death. The program also helps pay the costof medical care for people age 65 or older and for some disabledworkers. About one-sixth of the people in the United States receivesocial security benefits.People become eligible to receive benefits by working in a certainperiod in a job covered by social security.Employers and workers finance the program through payroll taxes.Participation in the social security system is required for about 95percent of all U.S. workers.Soc ial security differs from public assistance. Social security paysbenefits to individuals, and their families, largely on the basis ofwork histories. Public assistance, or welfare, aids the needy,regardless of their work records.All industrialized countries as well as many developing nations have asocial security system. The social security program in the United stateshas three main parts. They are (1) old-aged, survivors, disability, andhospital insurance (OASDHI), (2) unemployment insurance; and (3)workers' compensation.THE SOCIAL SECURITY PAYROLL TAX.This tax was to be taken from the payrolls of the nation's employers andemployees. The government felt that, like unemployment benefits, thesocial security should be financed by those who got the greatestbenefit, those who worked, and were liable to need those benefits in thefuture.A plan that would affect those only who had paid such a tax for anumber of years would have done those who were currently suffering underthe Depression no good at all. As a result, the social security planbegan paying out benefits almost immediately to those who had beenretired, or elderly and out of work, and who were unable, primarilybecause of the depressed economic conditions, to retire comfortably. Inthis way, the government was able to accomplish two objectives: first,it helped the economy pull out of the depression, by providing a meansby which old people could support themselves and, by buying goods andservices, support others in the community ; and second, it showed theyounger workers of that time that they no longer had to fear living outtheir retirement years in fear of poverty.Therefore, the social security payroll tax has been used to providebenefits to those who otherwise would have little means of support, andas of this writing, there has never been a year when Social Securitybenefits were not paid due to lack of Social Security income. (Boskinp.122)PAYING OUT BENEFITS.Social Security benefits increased 142% in the peri od between 1950-1972.not only the elderly, but many of the survivers, the widows and children, ofthose who paid into the Social Security system, have received social security checks. Thesechecks have paid for the food shelters, and in many instances thecollege education of the recipients.Unlike private insurance firms, the United States Government does nothave to worry about financial failure. Government bonds are consideredthe safest investment money can buy-so safe, they are considered "riskfree" by many financial scholars. (Stein p. 198) The ability of theUnited States Government to raise money to meet the requirements of thesocial security should be no more in doubt than the governments abilityto finance the national defense, the housing programs, the StateDepartment, or any of the other activities that the federal governmentgets involved in.By paying out benefits equally to all participate in Social Security-that is by not relying so heavily on total payments in making thedecis ion to pay out benefits, the system is able to pay benefits topeople who otherwise may not be able to afford an insurance program thatwould provide them with as much protection. One of the main reasons forthe government's involvement in this program, is its ability and itsdesire to provide insurance benefits for the poor and widowed, who underthe private market, might not be able to acquire the insurance tocontinue on a financially steady course.The government, then, is in a totally unique position to pay outbenefits that would be out of the reach of many American families.Another great advantage of this system,is the ability of the government to adjust the benefits forthe effects of inflation(Robertson p.134)INFLATION AND SOCIAL SECURITY.Private insurance plans are totally unable to adjustfor the effects of inflation with complete accuracy. Inorder for an insurance company to make this adjustment, theywould have to be able to see forty-five years into thefuture, with twenty-twenty vision. When a private pensionplan currently insures the twenty-year-old worker, it canonly guarantee a fixed income when the worker reaches sixty-five and a fixed income is a prime victim of inflation(Robertson p.332) In order to adjust for that inflation, theprivate insurance firm would have to be able to predict whatthe inflation rate will be from the moment the worker isinsured until the day he dies, and then make the complexadjustments necessary to reflect this in the pension plan.An inflation estimate that is too small will result in theerosion of the workers retirement benefits.Because the government, unlike the private insurancefirm, can guarantee that it will exist well into the future, and willhave the continued income of the Social Security tax to draw upon, itcan make on-the-spot adjustments for changes in the inflation rate. Someadjustments, in fact, have been automatic in the recent years, thereforerelieving the pensioners of the periodic worry of whether this yearsben efits would be adjusted, or whether the level of payments wouldremain stable, thereby, relative to the cost of living, making thempoorer that ever before(Stein p.28).In the face of the government's ability to make thosenecessary adjustments and to continually finance the SocialSecurity program, many opponents of the system argue thatthe government programs are driving out the privateinsurance industry. The statistics remain otherwise.SOCIAL SECURITY FINANCINGThe social security tax is one of the fewest taxes inthe United States, and the only federal tax in the country,that is given for a specific purpose. All other taxes areput into another fund, so that welfare programs, defense,space projects, and the other categories of governmentspending are all financed from one giant, uncategorized bowlof tax revenues(boskin p.62).When the Social Security system was first established,it was felt that a direct payroll tax, based on the pay ofthe worker and paid both by employer and employee, wo uld bethe fairest way for the people that were currently workingto pay benefits to those who weren't working, as well as toprovide for some future requirements and disabilities.Therefore, a specially constructed payroll tax was usedto fund the program.By measuring the amount taken in by the tax to theamount, not only that is taken out, but to the amount thatwill be taken out in future years, opponents of the SocialSecurity system make the case that the system will be unableto keep itself in such a manner indefinitely. And, ifSocial Security were a private insurance program, itwouldn't. But the fact is that Social Security is nota private program. it is funded by the government.Further, the government is in a unique position tochange the laws of commerce and contract to adjust thesystem, making it more responsive to the needs of theretired, which, in turn, would reduce their need for theSocial Security benefits. For example, the United statesGovernment should raise the mandatory reti rement age. Byraising the age to sixty-eight, the Social Security Systemcould delay paying out benefits for several years tothousands of people, saving the system a significantamount of money in benefits.For these reasons, the government is in a positionwhich cannot be compared to private industry. In this sense,looking at social security as an insurance programand comparing it to other insurance programs in the privatesystem could easily give the impression that the system isgong bankrupt, when in the reality it isn't.THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL SECURITYThe thing to keep in mind about the Social Securitysystem, then, is this: the system itself is in nofundamental danger of collapse. There is only temporary,cash flow situation that must be carefully looked at.The federal government pays out 4.5 billion more in SocialSecurity benefits as it collects in taxes every year. Infact, $4.5 billion is a small price, compared to the otherprograms the federal government now finances from generalreven ue. Besides tapping the general revenue fund andraising the retirement limit to 68 or even 70,the governmenthas the option of raising the Social Security tax or evenreducing the benefits slightly. The government has so manyoptions with regard to financing the benefits that thequestion becomes of the cash management, not quite assignificant as the huge deficits that the Social Securityhas been accused of having.The government is already under way to help alleviatethis cash flow problem. Public officials have debated whichof the various ways would help best serve the publicinterest, and legislative action has been taken that wouldultimately result of the Social Security system to apositive cash base. This shift would provide the workers ofAmerica with the same benefits they have been guaranteedsince 1935- and have been paid, and expanded ever since.The social security system has withstood forty years ofchanging economic conditions and greater concern of publicwelfare. What would repla ce the system, if the critics hadtheir way?SOCIAL SECURITY PERSPECTIVESThe social security system has saved an untold numberof people from disaster throughout many years. Many of thenations old people- some as young as sixty-two, a few overa hundred, live from Social Security paycheck to Socialsecurity paycheck, with this government program as theirlivelihood. There can be no doubt that social security hasmade a tremendous effort to alleviate a lot of sufferingthat has occurred, even in recent times.The Social Security act was one of the cornerstones ofRoosevelt's new deal program, and it is one of who'snecessity has been proven, and whose usefulness has allowedit to live. Like all the other new deal projects,Social Security was never meant to show a financial profit,It was meant to show a profit only in the amount of humansuffering, It was able to lift. The social security programcannot be measured in the same manner that a private programcan be evaluated in, because it is a govern mental welfareprogram. which doesn't mean that it acts in competition withprivate programs, that was never its intent. The social securityadministration has written:"Today the American economic system has producedrelatively full employment, widespread ownership property,and a rapidly increasing standard of living for the majorityof Americans. It has developed a threefold structure toprevent economic insecurity: a public social objectives,mutual protection through private employee-benefit plans tobring the added strength of voluntary of group action:and private savings and other individual action to achievethe greatest range of choice".One only has to look at the number of people, and theamount of money, that those who are recipients of Socialsecurity effect, and the advantages of Social Securitybecome obvious: it has taken a group of people who havetraditionally been a financial burden on society, andprovided a program that they have contributed a littleto their own financial well b eing. the amount of dignityand self respect these people have gained cannot be measuredin dollars.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

FDA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FDA - Assignment Example Generally it can be said that the regulation of food safety, drugs, dietary supplement, veterinary food and medicines, cosmetics etc are all the jobs of FDA.1 The process by which it does make these regulations effective is illustrated in the text that follows: FDA ACTIVITY IN THE PAST TWO YEARS The most recent activities of the FDA prove how practically the organization is working for human health and prosperity. Following is a summary of FDA’s activity over the past two years. Seeking of preventive measures against Food Borne illness. (Press Release on 25 May 2011).2 Food Safety Modernization Act revised and more clauses included in it. (Press Release on 4 May 2011). Anti smuggling strategy and draft guidance and be issued for new dietary ingredients. (Press Release 5 July 2011) On 7th July 2011 The FDA approved the following new drugs: Amlodipine Besylate and Benazepril Hydrochloride  Capsules, Coreg, Duloxetine Hydrochloride  , Felbatol  , Kemadrin, Micardis, Vancomy cin Hydrochloride, Xenazine etc. 3   4 The most noticeable act of FDA in the current year is about sunscreen products. 5 WHAT IS FDA’S APPROVAL PROCESS   The process whereby FDA approves a certain drug or ensures the safety of another is done by the conduction of the following steps: â€Å"Pre-Approval focus on strategy† â€Å"Post-Approval Risk Assessment† â€Å"Turning Risk Assessment into Action† THE WAY FDA PROTECT US. ... The food and drug products for vets are checked for the same. Following are a few details highlight even further how FDA protects us: Ensuring Food Safety FDA ensures that the foods that we get to eat are clean in all aspects, properly labeled, fulfilling and full of nutrition. It also regulates that all the medical products and other biological products intended for human use are free from any impurities or harmful substances. Regulation Of Electronic Product Radiation FDA ensures that the emissions of radiation from electronic appliances that are under human use are very limited. Only the electronic devices emitting radiation at very minute levels and that too, under the safe zone are given the permission to be used by humans.6 Tobacco Products FDA serves to protect the general public from getting into the menace of tobacco usage. It serves to promulgate regulations against tobacco usage and highlights how very harmful they are for human health. It also serves to regulate the promo tion of tobacco related products.7 Keeping Us Informed FDA protects us by keeping us informed with the latest and effective scientific information. The information is about the extents of usage of food products, chemicals and drugs that are not harmful for the human

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How plants communicate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

How plants communicate - Essay Example They adopt measures that control the resources in the environment, perceive themselves and distinguish between non-self and self thus enabling them to protect their territory. They would process the information and evaluate it and consequently modify their behaviour appropriately. These competencies indicate parallel communication processes in the body of plants, referred to as intraorganismic; between different and same species, referred to as interorganismic; and between plants and their non-plant counterparts, referred to as transorganismic (Witzany, 2010). Intraorganismic communication entails sign-mediated interactions between cells and within cells, referred to as intercellular and intracellular respectively. Intercellular communication processes particularly coordinate growth and development, dynamics and shape, allowing plants to differentially react to physiological influences and developmental status. Witzany and Baluska (2012) observe that finding meaning functions of sign alling molecules would be pegged on coherently investigating interactional patterns where signalling occurs. In these interactions, there would be active coordination and organization of various ordered steps conveyed by signs. These signs encompass a wide array of physical influences and chemical substances. According to Witzany (2010), these chemical molecules used as signs function as memory media, information carriers, messenger substances and signals. With different biotic and abiotic influences, there would be need for different behaviours which determine the set of signs in a given genera, family or species of plants and their production, combination and transportation. Therefore, different communicative processes would be executed with same chemical molecules thus optimizing energy cost. Foraging and Movement in Plants Plants are known to move in response to physical stimuli. Sensitive legumes would fold their leaflets when disturbed by insects with neighbouring leaves foldi ng up upon being wounded. Adler (2011) cites some tropical legumes which lower leaves during heavy but not light rains or alighting insects, a response that accelerates the drying up of the leaf surface. Carnivorous plants would rapidly catch insects and trigger hairs that would take up the meal. These responses in plants could be attributed to osmotic changes in the concentration of ions, action potentials, electrical signals and turgor, compared to actinmyosin system in animals. Through circumnutation, plant organs would undergo subtle movements at their elongation axes, explaining directed and conspicuous movement of plants in response to gravity, light and similar stimuli, thus capturing the required resources (Witzany 2006). Through morphological plasticity, plants efficiently forage for light. Karban (2008) observes that vertical shoots would branch more and elongate less in adequate lighting as opposed to those in limited light. Witzany (2010) further indicates that light tra nsmitted through leaves would have a lower red: far red than unfiltered illumination ratio. Roots would be more abundant in soils with higher nutrients in an attempt to increase the acquisition of resources. Bais, Park, Weir, Callaway, and Vivanco (2004) refer to the underground with densely populated roots which face competition for water, mineral nutrients and space from invading neighbouring root systems as the rhizosphere. Mating and Germination Other than acquisition for resources, plants’ reproductive behaviours show how they respond to environmental cues. Plants that do not get pollinated respond by increasing

Monday, November 18, 2019

Manage IT Security for the London Olympic 2012 games Essay

Manage IT Security for the London Olympic 2012 games - Essay Example A safety and security strategy and security measures have been set up to respond to these. According to BBC News (2011), 13,500 armed forces personnel and 10,000 police officers will be deployed during the Olympics to enforce security. This will be backed by 50 marine officers in fast response boats who will be joined by 100 military personnel (Seida 2012). The structure of the safety and security strategy has been built around strategic objectives and each of these be will be delivered though a special programme headed by a programme manager. The Protect Programme will ensure the safety and security of games sites, infrastructure and venues, and people involved in the Games. The Programme will also consider protecting people travelling to the Games. The Prepare Programme will provide specialist response by ensuring that the necessary contingencies and workforce are in place to manage events that could significantly compromise or disrupt the security of the Games. The Identify and Di srupt Programme will provide the required capacity and capability to identify and disrupt all forms of threats to the Games. Command, Control, Plan and Resource (C2PR) programmes will ensure that required resources are available and can be deployed to the necessary sites to provide safety and security (Home Office 2012). One of the assumptions for this strategy is that the greatest security threat will be terrorism. Despite the above security, the potential IT security vulnerabilities of the event are still high and the major threat is identity theft. Vacca (2003) defines this as a type of crime where someone steals the identity of someone else and poses as that person. This is basically an identify fraud. In true-name ID fraud, the person’s identify information is not modified. Terrorists are also likely to stealing key pieces information from people like driver’s license numbers and social security numbers and combine them with fake information to create new identiti es which they will use to gain entry into the games venues. This is called synthetic ID fraud as noted by McFadden (2010). Criminals could pose as fans, players, visitors and even London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG) officials. Once they gain entry into the venues, they commit terrorist attacks. They can also use these IDs to obtain goods and services. ID theft is a form of cyber crime. Giles (2010) explains that hackers access personal information of other people online. To get this information, the terrorists could send messages posing as the official website for LOCOG, trying to sell tickets. As people respond, they get their personal details and use them to make fake IDs. ID theft could also result from phishing attacks like man-in-the-middle phishing. This is where a criminal positions themselves between the legitimate site and the user (Emigh and Labs 2005). In this way, they will save valuable information from different sources and send false messages bet ween LOCOG and its users. To detect this, LOCOG will have to setup a spoof-reporting email address that users will send mails to. This will provide

Friday, November 15, 2019

Globalization And Global Governance

Globalization And Global Governance Over the past years, global governance and globalization and the relation between the two, has become a much discussed subject. There are various definition of global governance; its role, its nature. Likewise, there are even more definitions regarding globalization. There are several strands of expert which disagree on when the origins are traceable, ranging even thousands of years and, moreover, some differentiate a range of separate fields to identify specifically the nature of globalization during time. Research has brought up various issues in the relation between global governance and globalization and whether or not this relation has been always even. The main question; has globalization rendered global governance ever more essential than in the past, is based on the metamorphosis of the state during the past decades, the economic crash and the massive progress in transport and communication. The aim of this essay is to understand how global governance has changed and how it imposed itself differently compared to the past decades and centuries. In order to answer this query about todays different influence of global governance over globalization, this essay will examine various theories and definition regarding globalization and global governance. As a result, the role of the state, the different kinds of globalization and governance will be examined. II: Globalization Global Governance Theory of Globalization Globalization is a very complicated matter: nobody seems to be in charge, yet it is progressing as we research it. What is behind the idea of Globalization? What do we mean when we talk about it? The term itself was introduced just recently. Globalization lacks in fact a main definition still today. McCrews shortest definition given is: Globalization can be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa (A.McCrew, pp.60) The term Globalization as a matter of fact, includes a wide variety of theories and view of what is essentially reality; another definition could also be Globalization is a global movement which aim is integration, whether economic or financial or in communication. Another broad definition could be Dirk Messner view over globalization: Globalization denotes a process in the course of which the volume and intensity of transboundry transportation, communication, and trade relations are rapidly increasing (Dirk Messner, pp.29) However it has been agreed that Globalization has, is and will, without doubt, massively increase speed of global interconnections in most aspect of life. This includes culture, which spreads from a country to another throughout television and internet; or finance, which throughout a wider connection over the world, finds different markets. Technological progress rushed globalization in a world that from day to night has given new perspective to virtually anything. Even though Globalization might be a recent topic, its nature is traceable to pre-modern history. Clearly traveling very short distance, by settling in other areas, people would bring along their culture and traditions as well as their products and technologies. Globalization starts as a mixing and adaptation of culture, knowledge and also languages of outside influences which interconnect with local population. A.McCrew, in fact, redefines his previous definition by saying that: Globalization can usefully be conceived as a process (or set of processes) which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions, generating transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction and power. (Mc Crew, pp.43) However, as McCrew realizes later: Globalization today is different from the globalization of the 19th century, when European imperialism provided much of its political structure and higher transport and communication. Cost meant fewer people were directly involved. (A.McCrew, pp.77) In fact, globalization today, yet again according to Mc Crew, must reflect four general characteristics: it must involve social, political and economic activities across political boundaries, regions and continents; a strong intensification of interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment, finance, migration, culture etc.; these connections are related to a speeding up of communication and transport which carries ideas, people and goods; the interconnection and interaction globally are so intense that the effects of a distant event can be highly significant elsewhere and even the most local development may come to have enormous global consequences. However, Joseph Stiglitz describes globalization differently, as an: [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] international flow of ideas and knowledge, the sharing of cultures, global civil society and the global environmental movement.(J.Stiglitz, pp.4) Therefore from Stiglitz point of view, Globalization can be divided in to various branches: Economic Globalization, so covering international flow, trade, foreign assistance; Social Globalization, caused by the interconnection of more societies and cultures; and Environmental Globalization, where the challenge is global warming. This differentiation turns out to be very useful to understand how globalization affect or is affected by global governance, specifically from an economic point of view The Three visions of Globalization There are three different points of view regarding the contemporary nature and meaning of globalization: the Hyper globalist, the Skeptical and the Transformationalist. The first stand for a world which is increasingly global, and where political and economic processes and pressure have changed the state. To them the nation-state is deteriorating shown by the fact that the state decision making has vanished and national representatives powers are weaker. The second, skeptical, have a total opposite view to the Hyper globalist; they claim in recent times the states have actually acquire even more power even though there has been some major swift in the international scene. The third, the Transformationalist accept globalization as an actor which has indirectly created new economic and political scenario but that even so, this scenario has actually come in handy to states range of powers. Moreover, Transformationalist, despite arguing a major predominance of the state, declares that politics must overlap the nation-state concept. All of these contemporary points of view can be considered to some extent confused: the hyperglobalist do not realized the new position the states are assuming in global governance, skeptical possibly still live in the Cold War and declare globalization a new form of imperialism, and finally Transformationalist, who totally forget about the traditional force. These are some of the critics put in place by the Constitutive, a fourth point of view: Constitutive consider globalization as product of millions of factors and therefore couldnt emerge by applying one of the three traditional aspects. Possibly one of reason between many, above all, is the fall of USSR and the US reorganization of the global architecture. Theory of Global Governance Before explaining Global Governance, it is fair to split Global from Governance. Therefore, what is Governance? According to Vayrynen, Governance is: [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] is the sum of the many ways individuals and institutions, public and private, manage their common affairs. (Vayrynen, P.25) Governance, as the word itself suggest, is the act itself of governing, the process or power of governing. These processes are normally exercised by a government. Essentially, Governance is the result of the government. However, governance is different to politics, which is the process in which different group of people with different opinion, meet to reach a compromise. The process of Governance normally doesnt spark from a group with different opinions but still uses the same means. Accordingly, Global Governance refers to the: [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] collective actions to establish international institutions and norms to cope with the causes and consequences of adverse supranational, transnational of national problems. (Vayrynen, p.25) Global Governances collective decisions are aimed to shape and define a goal or goals at the global level. Global Governance forms a series of rules which purpose is to work globally no matter what the national laws are. This global level characteristic is the reason why it is frequently associated to Globalization, as the two influences one another as much as they are associated. However where and when did really Global Governance started to matter it is not certain. Possibly at the beginning of the 19th century. What is certain is that after the belle à ©poque, the world started to crash. A new era of highly interrelated global interdependence had begun and the worlds answer had been international institutions. The first and most important post World War I institutions was the League of Nations, which was supposed to maintain peace but miserably failed giving us World War II. The second attempt shows much more success with the United Nations. Between WWI and WWII, we have the first modern economic crash and the Great Depression. On the same wave of new international institutions, IMF and WB are born for a higher economic protection. However, this time round, the economic institutions have failed: nations which have followed IMF had economic crisis, the WB is mainly divulgating American economics and yet today, developing countries (which in some cases thank s to the combination of over speeded up globalization and bad governance) have even worsen their situation and still have little representation. Finally, the Cold war. According to the commission on Global Governance, after the Cold war, global governance was the new beginning of a new era, supposedly of peace and international political progress: [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] international developments had created a unique opportunity for strengthening global co-operation to meet the challenge of securing peace, achieving sustainable development, and universalizing democracy (Commission on Global Governance, 1995) The Nation-State The peace of Westphalia is the origin of the a system of nation-states. These then evolved in the 19th century as the main actor of territorial policies and subsequently passed to the welfare state. Before the massive expansion of political, economical and social benefits and issues around the world had started due to globalization, and before the progress in transport and communication had opened markets to the world, the Nation-State was the center of everything. Certainly, because of globalization, States have been weakened due to the fact that some of their actions have either been diverged to international institution or have become of international interest. While the State would act in favor and interest of the Nation, now a more collective action is requested and national issues are shared between numerous populations, converting therefore to a global level. As a result, on one hand, Nation-States today comprehend how their actions may concern numerous other nations and population, in fact: state will come to function less as all-purpose providers of governance and more as the authors and legitimators of an international quasi polity; the central functions of the nation state will become those of providing legitimacy for an ensuring the accountability of supranational and subnational governance mechanism which exercise various forms of private authority (P.Hirst, p219-220) However, on the other hand, there is yet no real international actor, no global level democratic institution, which is supposed to take care of the national and international issues, spread and caused by globalization. In effect, quoting yet again Hirst: while the capacities of the states for governance have changed in some respects, and many states have lost the ability to act independently, they remain pivotal institutions, especially in terms of creating the conditions for effective international governance (P.Hirst, p219) Under a more national point of view, the States still today have full authority over its own territory, an viceversa: Globalization is deterriorialization. (Mc Crew, p86) Therefore, the state is somehow going back to the middle ages, searching for a monopoly of power over people living on the national territory. People are in fact less mobile than money, goods and ideas, which thanks to globalization are easily transportable and therefore they remain nationalized. Yet today they are dependent on visa and passport: This role gives the nation the exclusive legitimacy of regulating its territory and the population which lives within it and internationally. (P.Hirst, p221) In any case, the Nation-State still exercise its power over military power. Many have argued how from the 15th century to today, the main power defining a state, was the capacity of declaring war. The last glimmer of this capacity had been kept alive by the Cold War, even though, because of massive progress in military technologies, it wasnt really the power of declaring a war but rather the power to threaten one and the capacity and possibility of destroying a nation, if not the globe. Therefore military power and the capacity to declare war of the modern states, has become so destructive that it is almost impossible to really exercise it. Anyways: Armed forces will not cease to exist but they no longer decide matters between advanced states. (P.Hirst, p227) Furthermore, the state exercises and important role over economy, even though globalization has massively enlarged the markets. Still today, markets and companies possibly cant exist without a state or public power protecting them. The States guarantee for most of the national credit. The government still regulates banking over the national territory. The effects of Global Governance over Globalization. First of all we can say that the processes of globalization are conceived as only capable of being worldwide and therefore in relation to Globalization, Global Governance must do the same. Second, it is recognized that globalization is likely to be the bases around which the course of events are organized and therefore it is virtually a relentless process and must be taken care of by Global Governance as if there was no other choice. Third, globalization is now out of control and the only tool which can regulate it is governance. Global governance and globalization are in fact clearly highly related between each other. It is easy to think global governance is another way of saying global government, but in fact it couldnt be further from the truth. Global governance is not a global government and does not even consider a world government or even some sort of dominant power or authority, meant to regulate issues to a global level. There is no global government which promotes international standards to all nations. In fact, global governance acts by itself. But then who is holding the reins of governance? Power today is in economy: Globalization of the international financial market, which started after the fall of Bretton Woods, has significantly speeded up the formation of a global economy, which likely to the European Union, has become a point of reference of the worlds economy search for development. The liberalization of worldwide trade is a main element of globalization or at least of economic globalization and it is mainly regulated by global governance. International trade has created a major period of growth but its liberalization has had some issue over the global level. The intensification of world trade has required a new institution, the WTO, which clearly, by regulating trade, plays a major role in global governance. Actually, WTO is the only institution regulating worldwide trade which in fact promotes worldwide trading system helping to raise economic efficiency and decrease costs by major principles established by the themselves: non-discrimination, transparency, increased certainty in trade, reduction of corruption and of poor governance. The WTO could be an example of good governance which perfectly relates to a globalizing world. However, because there is no central global power, talks like the Doha round are failing. Also liberalization of capital flow has had major issues due to massive speculation and volatility in currency and financial markets. The IMF, a major actor of global economic governance, managed to liberalize capital by simply removing restrictions on transactions while the liberalization of world trade was more of a consequence of globalization. This shows how Globalization and governance can work together, but also completely separately, not considering the effects on one another. In fact, globalization transforms economy from national to global and therefore any national economy is at least affecting global economy if not directly part of it. Therefore, national economies act as actors of global governance, indirectly by relating themselves to dynamics of globalization and consequently affecting directly global governance. States are no longer seen as actors of a system of states, as nation-states, but more as a system of markets. From this perspective, transnational companies become the States entities. As said in I4, globalization has weakened the state; in economic globalization, the States economic policies and the weight of them over national and international level, has been also weakened. The mobility of capitals and international trade has changed the national market. States have in fact realized they singularly could achieve much less than by unifying in international financial systems in order to renew their power over economy. However, according to Dirk Messner: Economic globalization is strengthening decentralization processes in nation-states and regional cooperation in the world regions: In the context of world economy central governments are coming under pressure from their regions, which are keen to promote their profiles in global competition. (Dirk Messner, pp39) In fact, globalization has actually created a strong current of localization, even though it is a mutual reinforcement. In a world of world markets, local or location specific advantage gain value, while in the meantime seeking transboundary partnership there for entering economy to a global level. Transnational economic spaces and communities have clearly increased due to the globalized markets. Concordantly, under a more political point of view, cooperation between globalization and governance must be very intense in order to achieve a global goal. According to P.Hirst: Governing powers cannot simply proliferate and compete. The different levels and functions of governance need to be tied together in a division of control that sustains the division of labor. [..] The governing powers need to be sutured together into a relatively integrated system. If this is not the case then gaps will lead to the corrosion of the governance at every level (P.Hirst, p 234) Global governance has also recently shown, under a political point of view and in a globalization context, a trend towards unilateralism. Clearly this model strongly weakens multilateralism necessary to make globalization work. However, even though nation-states tend to have a trend towards monopoly of power and unilateralism (which is typical in western countries) they are still very necessary since they are the only connection between national and supranational level and are of course the main actors of global governance architecture. This last role, in a direct point of view, has however changed because of the increasing discard of nation-states as direct problem solvers. Today Nation-states act indirectly via institutions and agencies, thus keeping their interest a priority. However, no singular nation-state could be considered to give a response to globalization because this egoistic trend used by most western states is virtually doomed. The national translates to international , due to a significant global impact that, associated with the openness of todays markets, are creating and affecting the future of globalization. Global politics is possibly failing because of the stubborn, but motivated decision of giving the least possible weight to developing countries, either because there is a massive fear of a power turnover from the South or to pursue the agreed combined western national interest in developing countries. Therefore, effectively, globalization has some effect on global governance but the opposite is more likely. Global governance has a wider effect on globalization even thought at the same time the processes and dynamics of globalization are controllable only to some extent , yet the different speed of propagation is the real challenge An answer to the challenge Ultra globalists have proposed to unify globalization and global governance by creating a massive central government, a global government. Obviously this is absolutely impossible or desirable; it is enough to imagine how a global election and president could be strongly interested in everything but global issues. As said, globalization has encouraged regional organization and localization: these could easily function as organizations aimed on national awareness and protection while acting globally. In finding new solution to a new problem such as globalization and global governance it is important to realize the greatness of the project: cooperation and collective decision making thanks to international organizations via States is surely complicated at the least. What has changed today, that open a new door to a future solution, is the different level of cooperation between governmental and non-governmental organizations and therefore between public and private, necessary in a rapidly globalizing world. In fact, yesterdays nation-states have stopped doing what they simply wanted; today, even though their authoritative power are still strong, they are at least taking decision on global scale as a global actor and are influenced by social groups which have some success in changing national policies that eventually may have global effects. However, is global governance really keeping up with globalization? Today, one countrys domestic policy is permanently constrained by external situations. National government can no longer ignore the international impact; international coordination is needed to solve these issues. It is true, sometimes national government enter international coordination just for profit or solving domestic policies because, with no doubt, the interdependence between states is now mandatory due to globalization which has increased this trend to a world wide scale. Therefore, even though global governance massively effects globalization, the second is faster than the first. Globalization is a huge new challenge to deal with; it has surely brought massive growth but has also exposed the poorer countries which were already unable of meeting western standards and that today, because of globalization, have further increased their gap between rich and poor. There are in fact today countries which used to be very poor and have enormously improved their market and may be considered rich, but are however populated by poor. Globalization has opened the world to new markets, markets such as poor countries which were maybe not even reachable or in war and are now used to produce at a very low cost. They are surely progressing economically but at what cost? At the moment there is no answer to this challenge but just a series of future solution, one of which is reorganizing the world economy, which how we have seen in recent crisis, keeps on making basic world economy errors on how to coordinate domestic economy without causing massive ruptures on a global scale. Conclusion Has globalization rendered global governance ever more essential than in the past? The short answer is yes, absolutely. Globalization is heavily influenced by global governance and is still a work in progress, however it is possible to see how global governance is molding and creating a future architecture that will surely change the world of politics, international organizations and the role of the nation-state. Compared to the past, there is a clear gap between the weight of economic governance and political governance. States have lost most of their political power outside their boundaries while still exercising national interest and more and more frequently yield some of their authorities to non-state actors in exchange for control of the economy by direct influence. There is in fact a predominance to economic power since the 1990s. Moreover, unfortunately globalization has created winner and losers. Since the 1980s most of the world countries have integrated themselves in the new world economy, but some have done so maybe too early and thanks to the thrust of globalization, have caused major disparities between rich (exploiter of the new economic context) and poor (exploited by the system). Multinational firms have seen a new way of producing goods at very low cost in countries which had been specifically configured to be exploited, realizing the upcoming benefits of globalization. Here the major blame is to be given to global governance, which is today a more responsible process but only due to pressures. To conclude, the answer to the question posed in this essay will always be affirmative. Furthermore, future globalization will be in the rise of developing countries but only if western countries will cede ground in the big arena of global governance. Realistically this will happen only if forced by the situation, but once developing countries will sort out their political and social issues, they will eventually have all their papers in order to enter the decision making arena inevitably dominated by western countries.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird - Boo :: Kill Mockingbird essays

To Kill A Mockingbird - Boo    Early in the story Boo was just the subject of talk and myths but we learn more about him soon after.    Boo is the nickname of Arthur Radley. Early in the book Boo is described as a tall and scary looking person who runs around at night eating live possums and cats. He was sometime known as a phantom because no one knew who he was and he goes out at night and eat cats or any other living animal.    Boo got into trouble with the law when he resisted arrest and was locked up the ancient beadle, Mr Conner, in the court outhouse. Boo and the Cunninghams were the nearest thing to a gang. They were arrested for disturbing the peace, assault and battery. The other boys were sent to the state industrial school, which wasn't known to be a prison and had no disgrace but Boo's father Mr Randle thought it was.    Mr Radley made a deal with the judge that, if the judge released Boo then he would see to it that Boo never cause any further trouble. The judge knew that Mr Radley's word is his bond and was glad to do so.    So Boo was not seen outside his home until fifteen years later his mum ran out of the house screaming that Boo was killing them all because he had stabbed his dad in the leg. After he pulled out the weapon and wiped it on his dad's pants he went back to cutting up the newspapers for his scrapbook.    The next sign of Boo is when he put things in the knothole for Jem and Scout. Jem and Scout didn't know who it was putting the little items for them in the knothole. Boo put rather strange things in the knothole for example a pocket watch, medal and chewing gum but the weirdest was 2 human-like carvings made from soap. Jem and Scout realised that the figures were figures of them. They thought that Boo was watching them. After the finding of the soap figures, Mr Nathan Radley filled the knothole with cement so that Boo couldn't leave any more items for them.